Man jailed for hit and run attack which left Paisley woman 'unlikely' to make 'complete recovery'

A thug who crushed a woman after driving over her in a hit and run attack in Paisley has been locked up for six years.

Published 16th Jun 2016

A thug who crushed a woman after driving over her in a hit and run attack has been locked up for six years.

Martin Duffy was part of an armed mob who ambushed a flat where Lisa Revie was.

The gang had their faces covered with masks - including that of the devil, a clown, a wolf and a pig.

Lisa was left horrifically injured after bravely confronting them as they made a getaway from the property in Paisley, Renfrewshire.

The 36 year-old was mowed as Duffy reversed a Mini at speed before going over her as she lay stricken on the ground.

Lisa ended up in a coma, suffered two cardiac arrests and is unlikely to fully recover.

Duffy was jailed at the High Court in Glasgow.

The 31 year-old had earlier pled guilty to a charge of culpable and reckless driving by leaving Lisa injured to her permanent impairment and danger of life.

The attack occurred on May 11 last year.

Duffy's partner had asked a friend for the loan of her Mini with claims he needed to see his sick child in hospital.

Instead the vehicle was used to drive to a flat in Paisley's Blackstoun Oval.

Prosecutor Allan Nicol told the court: “Witnesses were returning (to the property) when they noticed a white Mini.

“The occupants all had their faces covered with masks described as a pig, a clown, a wolf and the devil.

“The people from the car then left it and chased them.”

The group being pursued managed to get inside before the door was struck with a hammer and a knife.

Lisa then decided to go back out causing the gang to flee. Two of the mob jumped back into the Mini.

Lisa swung open the driver's door and punched Duffy, who was still wearing his mask.

Her friend David Soutar was decked as Duffy tried to speed off. Lisa was then struck by the door of the car as it reversed.

Revealing the horror of what unfolded, Mr Nicol said: “She was thrown into the air and cracked her head as she landed.

“She fell under the car causing her to become trapped. The vehicle was then driven forwards and over her lower half as she lay on the ground.”

Duffy escaped before the car's owner was told the Mini had been left near her house.

The woman feared her smashed car had been vandalised when she went to collect it.

Lisa meantime was placed in an induced coma for 24 hours.

She suffered a brain injury as well as extensive fractures to her skull, ribs, pelvis and both ankles.

Two weeks after the hit and run, she was returned to intensive car after two cardiac arrests.

Lisa was only finally able to leave hospital in July last year.

The hearing was told she continues to be badly affected.

She needs crutches, has memory loss and double vision as well as ongoing pain in her head and neck.

The court heard it is “unlikely” she will make a “complete recovery”.

Mr Nicol: “Her family report she has become easily frustrated with her situation.”

No explanation was given for the reason behind the attack.

Duffy, of Newton Mearns, East Renfrewshire, also admitted in court to injuring David Soutar to the danger of his life.

He pled guilty to a further charge of behaving in a threatening and abusive manner as well as failing to show at a previous court date.

Judge Lord Bannatyne told Duffy: “The motive for this appears to have been revenge for something.

“You victim sustained life-threatening injuries which have had a significant effect on her life and will continue to do so.”