Man jailed for six years after Glasgow knife attacks

Dale Maxwell assaulted David Fisher and Scott Bryan outside a flat in Yoker in June 2019.

High Court Glasgow
Author: Collette McGoniglePublished 7th Jan 2022

A man who carried out knife attacks on two men in Glasgow has been jailed for six years.

Dale Maxwell pounced on David Fisher and Scott Bryan at a car park outside a flat in Yoker on June 22 2019.

The 27 year-old had stormed up to the property where his partner Amy Cameron had been staying.

Maxwell, of the city's Partick, was sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow.

He had previous been convicted of assaulting both victims to the danger of their lives.

Jurors concluded Mr Bryan was also left permanently scarred.

Judge Sean Murphy QC told Maxwell: "You were looking for trouble when you went back there that evening.

"If you were concerned about a young girl in the flat then there were other steps you could have taken.

"By attending there, matters got worse because there was the incident with the window and the bottle or can but it's not clear what was thrown.

"One of the men had three injuries having been struck with the knife while the other had two knife wounds but his injuries were less serious."

The trial heard how Maxwell had tried to gain entry to the flat, banged on windows and a door as well as repeatedly attempted to contact Miss Cameron.

He also pursued another woman while in possession of a knife.

Louise Arrol, defending, had earlier told the court that he had been in a long-term relationship with Miss Cameron.

She added: "He maintains his position that it was not deliberate but knows he will be sentenced on these matters."
