Man jailed for stealing from charity tin and biting police officer in Glasgow

William Brown, 40, carried out the theft at the Starbucks branch in Glasgow's Royal Exchange Square last September

Micheal Gerard McMonagle, 41, of Limewood Street in Derry, is facing three charges
Author: Collette McGoniglePublished 16th Jan 2020

A man who stole from a charity tin in a Glasgow coffee shop and bit and spat a police officer who arrested him.

William Brown, 40, carried out the theft at the Starbucks branch in Royal Exchange Square last September.

Police found him hiding within scaffolding nearby.

Prosecutor Amanda Gallagher told Glasgow Sheriff court: “They took hold of his arm and put him in handcuffs.

“While holding him, Brown bit PC Jamie Green on the knee and spat at him.”

The officer later needed a Hepatitis B booster and antibiotics as a result.

Brown today/yesterday admitted to the Starbucks theft and assaulting the constable.

It is not known how much money was in the charity tin, which was found near the coffee shop.

It emerged Brown struck nine days after a court freed him to show he could be of good behaviour.

He had been guilty of thefts at a pub and a sports centre.

Sheriff Martin Jones QC locked him up for 13 months branding his record "significant".