Man jailed for paintball shooting spree across Glasgow and Carbeth

Anthony Rasmussen shot has been jailed for 18-months for the rampage last June

Published 28th Jun 2018

A man who blasted a mum with paintball gun in front of her children as she walked the West Highland Way during a two hour rampage has been jailed for 18 months.

Anthony Rasmussen shot 47-year-old Miriam Bell during the shooting spree between Glasgow and Carbeth, last June 23.

She thought she was shot with an air rifle as Rasmussen fired six shots from the Audi car he was in, one hit Mrs Bell on the hip.

Dad-of-two Rasmussen injured 59-year-old Elizabeth Hayes who was also walking on the same route, and shot her twice to the rib cage, on the elbow and side of her face.

He also fired paint at Daniel Malone, 21, in Knightswood, Richard Wood, 63, and Scott Wilkie, 18 in Bearsden, 55-year-old Mary Summers, in Clydebank and at a car in Carbeth during his stint.

Rasmussen, 24, from Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court, to seven charges including shooting Mrs Hayes to her injury.

Sheriff Martin Jones QC jailed Rasmussen for 18 months reduced from two years.

The court heard between 1.55pm and 4.10pm on June 23 Rasmussen travelled in an Audi car and shot at random members of the public with a paintball gun.

Procurator fiscal depute Lucy Adams said around 3.50pm Mrs Summers was on Duntocher Road, Clydebank with her brother when she heard three loud bangs.

She said: “On the third bang, Mrs Summers felt a pain on the right side of her head in her hairline.

“She put her hand up to her head where she felt a cold liquid which she initially thought was blood, but then observed it to be yellow paint.”

Around 4pm while Mrs Hayes was walking the West Highland way with her husband she noticed a car coming towards them from the direction of Killearn.

Miss Adams said: “As the vehicle passed, Mrs Hayes was struck three times on her left side, twice to the rib cage area and once to the left elbow.

“The vehicle continued and passed behind her and as she looked over her shoulder towards it, she was struck again to the right side of her face, next to her ear.

“This final shot caused Mrs Hayes significant pain that she was immediately concerned that her eardrum had burst.”

She later described seeing “the barrel of a gun” before being shot for the final time.

Mrs Hayes suffered bruising to her rib cage and the shots to her elbow and temple broke the skin and her head was treated with stitches.

Shortly after this, Mrs Bell was walking behind her husband on same route, with two of their three children when the Audi slowed down beside them.

She noticed the passenger window was open and as it passed her, Rasmussen pointed what she thought was an air rifle in the direction of her and her children.

Miss Adams added: “The vehicle then stopped and this male fired the gun approximately six times at them, one shot successfully struck Mrs Bell on her left hip.”

She screamed which alerted her husband and he noted the registration of the car, and contacted the police.

The court heard apprentice builder Mr Wilkie was hit from behind and on his side when he was on a driveway in Bearsden.

He realised he what happened when he saw yellow paint on his side and back.

Pensioner Mr Wood was walking along the street alone when Rasmussen struck from a passing car.

A parked car in Queens View Car park in Carbeth was hit with “a number of shots” when the Audi drew up beside it.

The terrified driver put his head down when he thought Rasmussen had a gun, then heard the Audi speed off.

Police were informed of the all of the incidents and inquiries carried out across CCTV.

Mrs Bell identified Rasmussen from a photo board and he was detained in July for questioning.

He made no comment to relevant questions, he was later arrested and cautioned and charged, and made no reply.