Man Jailed For Assaulting And Raping Woman

Published 7th Sep 2015

A rapist who left his victim so petrified she had to flee a house naked has been locked up for six years.

26 year old Jonathan Couper brutally attacked the woman after she refused to have sex with him last October.

The 27 year-old's ordeal only ended when she escaped to a neighbour's house screaming: "He's battered and raped me".

Couper was sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow. He had earlier pled guilty to assault and rape.

Judge Sean Murphy QC told him: "You subjected your victim to a terrifying ordeal of sexual assault to which she was courageous enough to escape."

Couper will also be monitored for a further two years when he is released.

The court heard how drunken Couper had turned up at the woman's work in Glasgow last October.

He then joined her in the train journey back to the house she was staying at in Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire.

When they got to the house, the victim knocked back his attempts to have sex with him.

Prosecutor Peter Ferguson QC said raging Couper eventually grabbed her by the throat.

As the victim gasped for breath, the thug shouted: "Shut the f*** up."

During a prolonged ordeal, he got the woman into the bathroom and ordered to strip naked and then raped her.

The court heard the woman broke free at one point - but Couper caught her and again had sex with her.

The victim eventually "just gave in" hoping it would end her ordeal quicker.

But, later sensing another chance at escaping, she grabbed the house keys and raced out the property naked.

The black and blue victim shouted to a neighbour: "He's battered and raped me."

Couper was later found by police with no top or shoes on. He then said: "If she is getting me done for rape, I will get her done with assault."

Couper was also placed on the sex offenders register as a result of the conviction.