Man jailed for allowing his flat to be used to store lethal weapons

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 29th Mar 2018
Last updated 29th Mar 2018

A judge has condemned a 61-year-old man for allowing his flat to be used to store lethal weapons.

Lord Mulholland jailed John McIver, from Possilpark, Glasgow, for six years and eight months.

The judge told McIver: “You let your flat be used to store drugs and firearms. You stored lethal firearms. Lethal weapons which in the wrong hands can be used to maim or kill. This city has seen a lot of these offences.”

Police raided McIver's flat in Possilpark last November and found a stun gun disguised as a i-phone, two other stun guns, a self-loading pistol, two shot guns and bullets, as well as drugs.

McIver showed no emotion as Lord Mulholland said : “You are aged 61 with a limited criminal record. You have let yourself, your partner and your family down. You should reflect on your conduct and make sure when you are released you never see the inside of a court again.”

But for his early plea of guilty, Lord Mulholland said would have jailed McIver for 10 years.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that police discovered a stash of cocaine, cannabis and amphetamine in the property with a street value of ÂŁ168,000.

McIver, who lived most of the time a his partner's home, had agreed to store items on behalf of others in his flat.

He pled guilty to 12 charges which included possession of firearms as well being concerned in the supply of the drugs.The weapons found included a Remington self-loading pistol, a sawn-off shotgun and a Winchester shotgun.

Defence counsel Tony Lenehan, said: “This is a man who had a decent wok record into his fifties. He is a father and a grandfather. He lived with his partner and that meant his house was not lived in and that was known to others who took advantage of this.

“When he opened the door to others to use his house to what he knew was the storing of illegal items.”
