Man escapes jail after shaking a four month old baby in Glasgow

A man's avoided jail after he admitted shaking a four month baby and bruising him at a house in Glasgow.

Published 2nd Sep 2016

A man's avoided jail after he admitted shaking a four month baby and bruising him at a house in Glasgow. Jamie Duncan, 26, was looking after the child when he grabbed him and failed to support his head. When the baby’s mother later noticed a bruise on his chest, under his right ribcage, Duncan admitted to her what he had done. At Glasgow Sheriff Court, Duncan, from North Berwick, pled guilty to assaulting the baby on May 21, 2014 at a house in Thornliebank. Sheriff Linda Ruxton handed Duncan - who appeared from custody - a community payback order with the condition that he carries out 200 hours of unpaid work. She said: “You are close to receiving a custodial sentence not just in relation to the gravity of the offence, which is shaking a very young baby and causing the baby’s injury, it is because of your record.” Defence lawyer Jim Irvine told the court: “He accepts the charge, he accepts his conduct towards the child was too rough.” The lawyer added that he admitted to the child’s mum that he had grabbed her baby and not supported his head which caused it to fall. The police were contacted a couple of days after the injury was spotted.