Man cleared of murder bid outside of Glasgow school

Carly Easey is no longer facing a murder charge
Published 24th Nov 2017

A man has been cleared of a murder bid outside a school.

Mark Richardson (30) was accused of being involved in an attack on Ross Monaghan in January this year.

The incident is said to have occurred at St George's primary school in Glasgow's Penilee.

But, prosecutors today accepted his not guilty plea to the allegation and to other claims including being involved in serious organised crime.

Richardson instead pled guilty to a separate firearms charge during the hearing at the High Court in Glasgow.

He will return to the dock next year.

Martyn Fitzsimmons remains accused of being involved in the attempted murder of Mr Monaghan.

The 37 year-old will go on trial later this month along with four other men - David Sell (49), Barry O'Neill (37), Francis Mulligan (41) and Steven McArdle (33).

They face a number of allegations including being involved in a five year campaign of organised crime.

They deny all the accusations.

Three other men - Anthony Woods (44), Michael Bowman (30) and Gerard Docherty (42) also appeared in the dock today.

Woods and Bowman pled guilty to roles in organised crime while Docherty admitted recklessly discharging a firearm at a house.

The trio are also expected to be sentenced in the New Year.