Man found guilty of raping two young girls more than 25 years ago

Douglas McDonald carried out the attacks between 1996 and 1998

McDonald denied the crimes at a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.
Author: Stephanie AllisonPublished 2nd Jun 2023

A sex attacker who raped two young girls is facing a lengthy jail-term.

Douglas McDonald struck in the 1990s when the victims were as young as two and three.

The 54 year-old had denied the crimes at a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

But, jurors found him guilty of raping both as two charges of lewd and libidinous behaviour towards each.

The offences occurred between 1996 and 1998 at different locations in Renfrewshire including Elderslie.

It emerged he already had a number of previous convictions including for indecent exposure.

Prosecutor Tracey Brown revealed McDonald had first been due to face the charges at Paisley Sheriff Court in January 2021.

But, she said he "failed to appear" and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

He appeared in the dock later that month before being bailed pending the high court trial.

McDonald, now of Forfar, Angus, was today remanded in custody with sentencing due next month.

Judge Douglas Brown said: "Given the charges, there will be a substantial period of imprisonment."

After he was taken to the cells, Judge Douglas Brown told jurors they had had to listen to "distressing" evidence.

He added: "There is a counselling service available, if you wish to use it."

Sentencing was deferred for reports until June 27 in Lanark.

McDonald was put on the sex offenders list meantime.