Man avoids jail after supporting terrorists on Facebook

Published 7th Nov 2017

A man who posted comments on Facebook in support of a terrorist organisation and calling for police to be executed has been spared jail.

Andrew Kinnon, 38, uploaded images of masked gunmen and made pro IRA comments.

A total of 47 images showing Kinnon’s support for the IRA, Real IRA, Continuity IRA and Provisional IRA were found.

Information was passed to police who searched Kinnon’s flat in January 2016 where he admitted “I knew that would bring it on top for me one day.”

At Glasgow Sheriff Court, Kinnon, from Kirkton Avenue, Knightswood, pled guilty to committing an offence under the Terrorism Act 2006 between January 2014 and January 2016.

He admitted publishing statements “urging acts of violence” intending encouragement for terrorism or being reckless as to whether his actions would lead to terrorism.

He also pled guilty to being in possession of cannabis worth around £1,500.

Sheriff Andrew Cubie gave Kinnon a two-year community payback order as a “direct alternative” to jail.

Kinnon will be supervised throughout the order and must do 250 hours of unpaid work within six months.

Sheriff Cubie said: “I am prepared to proceed on the basis that this arose really because of your recklessness or to put it another way, stupidity about the consequences of the kind of information you were sharing.”

Having read a background report, he added: “The notion it was some kind of joke that was taken too far is not credible.”

The court previously heard police received information in May 2015 that Kinnon’s Facebook account had a picture, with a threat to police in Northern Ireland and the British Army.

Procurator fiscal depute Elizabeth Aitken said: “An image posted on March 15, 2015 depicted a masked individual wearing a balaclava and combat jacket pointing a scoped firearm out of a window/door.

“Over this image were the phrases ‘Brits out now, execute all police service of Northern Ireland/Royal Ulster constabulary personnel.

“‘Free the prisoners of war, UTR TAL32 81/32/4’

“Along the bottom of the image was the message ‘sniper at work…Brit Army beware’.”

The post was liked by 56 people with two people replying “Up the RA” and “Takes time - but it can be done”.

Miss Aitken added that more images were found that demonstrated Kinnon’s support of the IRA and dissident republican cause.

Another image from November 2014 was of a gunman in a balaclava and combat jacket with the words “never surrender, our day will come IRA” and was liked by 55 people.

The court was told: “Whilst making enquiries it was recognised that on the majority of his postings, Kinnon used the phrase ‘ANDYTAL32GB’.

“During interview the accused defined this statement as being his name followed by TAL32 which means Tiocfaidh ar La, 32 being significant to a political movement and gb meaning God bless.

“The images from March 2015 and November 2014 along with other images on the account clearly shows professed membership and support for a proscribed organisation.”

Tiocfaidh ar La is an Irish phrase which translates as "our day will come".

It was said that while some of the images between October and November 2014 aren’t criminal, they demonstrate Kinnon’s ideology.

His conduct escalated from posting republican themed murals to direct threats.

On November 30, 2015 Kinnon posted a masked gunman in military style jacket with phrases including “End internment, by remand, from the British Crown.

“Our aim is to force British withdrawal from Ireland and establish a democratic socialist republic based on the Easter proclamation.”

A search warrant was granted in January 2016 and Kinnon’s house was searched.

While reading the warrant to him, Kinnon told officers “Oh whit man, I knew that would bring it on top for me one day, I understand why you’re here.”

Along with laptop and internet router, police found a box with the words “stay out. Real Irish Republican Army OK God Bless the Pope”.

After interview he made no reply to the terrorism charge and said "I want my lawyer" in response to being charged with possessing cannabis.

The court heard Kinnon “has no desire to have a social media footprint moving forwards”.