Man attacked after trying to calm altercation on Glasgow train

A man was attacked after trying to calm down a train passenger who was involved in an altercation.

Published 17th Apr 2018

A man was attacked after trying to calm down a train passenger who was involved in an altercation.

The incident happened at around midnight on a late night service between Glasgow Queen Street and Croy.

An altercation had been ongoing between two passengers when a man tried to calm the situation.

After swearing at the victim in a threatening manner, the suspect physically assaulted him before attempting to strangle him.

He managed to fend off the attack before being subjected to further physical threats.

The suspect, who alighted at Haymarket station, was described as being a medium-build white, unshaven male in his 50s and approximately 5ft 10ins tall.

He had short white hair and wore a dark black or navy woolly hat, with a white emblem on the front, a beige overcoat, jeans and brown shoes.

British Transport Police are urging any witnesses of the incident, which took place on February 24 or 25, to phone them on 0800 40 50 40, text 61016 quoting reference 381 of April 13 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111