Man appears in court charged with raping a young girl

30 year old Hugh Sim denies all the charges against him which are alleged to have happened between September 2012 and November 2015

Published 22nd Nov 2016

A man from Renfrew has appeared in court accused of raping a young girl – when she could have been as young as two.

Hugh Sim faced the allegation at the High Court in Glasgow.

The 30 year-old is charged with raping the child at a flat in Renfrew, Renfrewshire on an occasion between September 2012 and August 2015.

The girl would have been aged between two and almost five at the time.

Sim, also of Renfrew, faces a number of other allegations against the same child including sexual assault.

He is also accused of three separate indecent images charges dating between September 2012 and November 2015.

Sim pled not guilty to the allegations.

Judge Lord Burns set a trial due to begin next April.

Bail for Sim was continued meantime.