Man Admits Killing Pensioner With Single Punch

33 year old Richard Brady hit Alistair Balfour, who had been having an affair with his mum, in a crowded bar in East Kilbride last June.

Published 9th Mar 2015

A dad-of-one has admitted killing a pensioner with a single punch in a crowded bar in East Kilbride. Richard Brady, 33, from East Kilbride, hit 68-year-old Alistair Balfour on the mouth as he stood with his hands in his pocket. The force of the blow caused Mr Balfour, from East Kilbride, to fall backwards and smash his head off the wooden floor of the pub. As Mr Balfour fell Brady turned and walked out the pub. Advocate depute Angela Gray, prosecuting, told the High Court in Glasgow that at the time Brady was on bail from Paisley Sheriff Court for allegedly smoking and being disruptive on a plane. He also has convictions for assault and assault to injury. The court heard that Mr Balfour a self-employed television and video engineer, who was married for 47 years, had an extra-marital affair with Brady's mother. This on-off relationship lasted for around three years before it finished on Christmas Day 2012. Mrs Brady and Mr Balfour parted on bad terms. As a result of this Brady and Mr Balfour fell out. They reported each other to the police for vandalism and breach of the peace, but no action was taken because of insufficient evidence. In court, Brady admitted killing Mr Balfour by punching him once on the head and causing him to hit his head on the floor. The culpable homicide was committed at the Montgomerie Arms Public House in Montgomerie Street, East Kilbride, on June 8, last year. Mr Balfour was in the pub from 4pm and seemed to be in good spirits. About 20 minutes later Brady entered and spoke to Mr Balfour about an alleged incident involving his car. Mis Gray said: "The accused was heard to say: 'I seen you walk away from ma car' and Mr Balfour replied: 'No, son.' "Mr Brady then stated: 'You put sugar in ma tank,' and Mr Balfour said: 'Not me, son.'" The court heard that Brady then said in an aggressive manner: "Nobody likes you in here" and then said: "Are we taking it outside or are we dealing with it here." Another customer and a member of bar staff intervened to try to calm things down Miss Gray added: "The accused appeared to start to make his way towards the exit and whispered something in Mr Balfour's ear. "Mr Balfour put his hands in his pockets. The accused then punched him with some force to his face. "Mr Balfour immediately fell backwards, striking his head against the tiled floor, and lay motionless. The court heard that Mr Balfour suffered two fractures to his skull, bruising to his mouth and two black eyes. The cause of death was a head injury. Judge Lord Turnbull deferred sentence on Brady until next month at the High Court in Edinburgh. Solicitor advocate John Carroll said: "Mr Balfour is aware the consequences of his actions will result in a custodial sentence."