Man accused of Glasgow murder walks free from court

A man accused of murdering 24-year-old Derek Sheerin 22 years ago walked free from court.

Published 31st Mar 2017

A man accused of murdering 24-year-old Derek Sheerin 22 years ago walked free from court.

The Crown withdrew the murder charge against 40-year-old Philip Morrison and judge Lady Rae found him not guilty.

Mr Morrison denied murdering Mr Sheerin by strangling him with a belt on September 25, 1994 at waste ground behind the Celtic Supporters Club in London Road, Glasgow.

The dramatic move by prosecutor Iain McSporran QC came on the fifth day of the trial at the High Court in Glasgow following evidence from forensic scientist Dr Nighean Stevenson which revealed that the bag containing the belt was open when it was given to scientists in 1994.

Defence counsel Derek Ogg QC asked her if as a professional and expert witness it raised alarm bells and she said "It does".

She was asked if it was "bad practice" for the bag to be open and she said an item would not be accepted for analysis of trace DNA today if it was inappropriately packaged.

Her evidence also revealed that DNA from an unknown man was under the fingernails of Mr Sheerin's right hand, the skin of his left hand, his face and on the front and back of his jacket, on a bloodstain on the front of his jacket and on the inside of his T-shirt.

Mr Ogg asked Dr Stevenson: “The DNA of this unknown male is all over the body,” and she replied: “Yes.”

The DNA of this mystery man has not been found on the national database.

Mr Morrison's DNA was found on the belt which was round Mr Sheerin's neck, but the court was told this could have occurred through secondary transfer as the two men were staying in the same house and sharing clothes.

Mr McSporran told the court that the DNA was a crucial part of the Crown case and given the nature of the evidence and the fact the bag was open and could have been contaminated it was decided to withdraw the charge against Mr Morrison.

Lady Rae told Mr Morrison: “I find you not guilty. You are free to go.”

Mr Morrison said the last time he saw Mr Sheerin he was walking from Glen Islay Street towards London Road around 6.30pm on September 25, 1994.

And Mr Morrison was seen playing football in Glen Islay Street for more than an hour before heading into Mr Sheerin's sister's house where he spent the night.

Mr Sheerin's body was found the next morning by three schoolgirls.