M&Co cutting 59 jobs from headquarters in Inchinnan

Published 29th Jan 2019

Renfrewshire-based fashion retailer M&Co is cutting 59 jobs from its Inchinnan headquarters.

The company has announced it is reviewing its operations with the intention of shifting focus towards e-commerce operations.

223 people are currently employed at the Inchinnan base.

Compulsory redundancies have been issued to 28 members of staff, but another 27 have accepted voluntary redundancy.

The company has offered double the statutory redundancy payment to those affected, and says it will try to reallocate roles where possible.

An M&Co spokesman said: “All retailers are having to adapt their operations to meet the fast-evolving needs of customers and we are no different.

“Having undertaken a detailed, strategic review of the business over recent months, an increased focus on our fast-growing e-commerce operation and further investment in IT are key priorities for us.

“We are a strong, robust and profitable business with over 3,000 employees and 269 stores nationwide, but we must reduce our central overhead costs to ensure we maintain and build upon that hard-won position.

“We have already agreed to accept 27 voluntary redundancies but a further 28 roles are at risk of compulsory redundancy at our Inchinnan headquarters, which currently employs 223 people.

“As part of the redundancy process, we are offering those affected double their statutory redundancy payments. In addition we will not require those identified for proposed redundancy to work their full notice periods, for which they will nonetheless be paid.

“Where possible, we will seek to reallocate affected staff into other roles and none of the staff in the company’s stores are affected by the redundancy programme.

“We’ve always taken the necessary steps to ensure we have a relevant, profitable and sustainable business and as we work to meet changing customer demand, we are investing heavily in our online retail offering, which has grown substantially to become an essential component of the business.

“These latest changes, whilst regrettable, are vital to ensure we are in the best possible shape to capitalise on the future developments in our sector.