Lord Advocate denies legal consent for Glasgow 'fix room'

Plans for a drugs consumption room in Glasgow have been dealt a major blow.

Published 10th Nov 2017
Last updated 10th Nov 2017

Plans for a drugs consumption room in Glasgow have been dealt a major blow.

The Lord Advocate has told the local authority he will not give legal permission for it to go ahead.

Glasgow City Council had asked for exemption for staff and users who made have been put off working or using the facility through fears of being prosecuted for possession.

The decision by James Wolfe QC, the country's top prosecutor, means the Health and Social Care board will now have to look at other ways to make the 'fix room' a reality.

A Crown Office spokesperson said: "The Lord Advocate has considered the proposals and is of the view that the public interest objective is a health rather than justice one.

"Scottish Government Health Officials will therefore offer to meet with the HSCP to discuss the proposal, its objectives, and how these might best be met."

Glasgow City Council say they are now looking at ways the room can still go ahead.