Locked up for life: The pregnant teen who stabbed a boy to death in Lanarkshire

The 17-year old, who can't be named for legal reasons, knifed Connor Cowper in the neck, at a party in Holytown in April 2108

Author: Vicky MurrayPublished 10th Jan 2019
Last updated 10th Jan 2019

A teenage girl who murdered a boy she met just hours earlier by stabbing him in the neck has been detained for life. The 17-year-old - who cannot be named for legal reasons - plunged a blade into Connor Cowper,18, at a party at a flat in Holytown, Lanarkshire, in April 2018.

The High Court in Glasgow heard how the girl was pregnant at the time she took Connor's life - she has since given birth whilst on remand at Cornton Vale prison in Stirlingshire.

The jury heard claims how Connor had "fancied" the girl - but she kissed another young man that night.

The Crown claimed she "loved being the centre of attention" and was trying to play the two men off against each other.

But the girl, who is thought to be among Scotland's youngest female murderers, exploded when Connor branded her a "stupid wee girl".

She grabbed a blade and struck defenceless Connor being fleeing the scene. The girl, who was expelled from school aged 11, later said: "I want him to f*g choke. I want him f*g dead."

Connor Cowper

On Thursday at the High Court in Edinburgh, judge Lord Arthurson ordered the girl to serve at least 16 years in custody.

She had been convicted last month at Glasgow High Court and sentence had been deferred for the court to obtain reports about her character.

Lord Arthurson had been told by defence advocate Tony Graham QC that the girl had "acknowledged" how her actions had caused "devastation" and had deprived Connor's family of their loved one.

But the judge said he had doubts about whether this was correct.

He added: "I have been told that not only do you feel regret but you also expressed empathy towards the victim.

"However, as the presiding judge at your trial I saw nothing of that. Your demeanour was flat and disinterested and you didn't give out any significant appearance of empathy.

"You are a highly dangerous and unstable individual. The attack on Connor was deliberate, brutal, entirely unprovoked and entirely murderous.

"The penalty for the crime of murder is fixed by law. There is only one sentence I can impose in these circumstances and that must be custody - you will be detained for life.

"I will fix the punishment part for the offence at 16 years."

During proceedings last year, the girl denied murder. She claimed she stabbed Connor because she feared he was going to hit her.

She also claimed to have been affected by a previous abusive relationship at the time of the fatal assault.

The court heard how the girl had only known Connor through Facebook before the party. She told jurors that Connor was a "nice person".

But the court heard how she left Connor to die whilst fellow party goers tried to save his life.

Police found her nearby "laughing".

The trial heard how she later asked an officer: "Can I have my knife back? It is good for cutting onions."

On Thursday, Mr Graham said that his client had appreciated the gravity of her actions.

He added: "She has never denied the moral responsibility of doing that what God should ought to do.

"She acknowledges that she has deprived a family of their loved one and she acknowledges that her actions led to the death of a young man who should be starting and celebrating a new year and many more of them.

"She has acknowledged that her actions has led to human devastation."

Mr Graham told Lord Arthurson that she has given birth to a child in custody and that his client realised she will have minimal involvement in the upbringing of the child.

He added: "She realises that any involvement she will have in bringing up her child will be conducted remotely.

"Social workers have come to the conclusion that with regard to her immediate family there is no suitable place for her child."

But Lord Arthurson said there was only one sentence he could impose in the circumstances.

He added: "It was a deliberate, brutal and entirely murderous attack.