LISTEN: Young cancer mum thanks Radio Clyde listeners for offers of help during her treatment

Radio Clyde News listeners are being thanked for their generosity from the family of a young cancer stricken mum.

Published 20th Jul 2017
Last updated 20th Jul 2017

Radio Clyde News listeners are being thanked for their generosity from the family of a young cancer stricken mum.

Last week we told you about 23-year-old Stacey Brogan - she will be admitted to the Beatson Cancer Centre today for a stem cell transplant as she battles acute leukemia.

Her family, who live in Glenrothes, were devastated knowing they would be miles away while Stacey received her treatment.

We put out an appeal and hundreds of you responded with offers of accommodation.

Thankfully, they have found space in a charity house for the full length of Stacey's hospital stay, which is expected to be about four weeks.

Stacey's mum Coleen says she has been overwhelmed with all the offers..