LISTEN: Stirling researchers examine athletes' attitudes to doping

Published 15th Jan 2016

With the IAAF under fire for an alleged cover-up, a group of Scottish researchers are launching a pioneeering two year study into doping in sport.

Academics from the University of Stirling are exploring athletes’ attitudes on the fairness of current anti-doping programmes and how they believe they affect their success .

The responses of those who've been caught, and those who are clean, will be compared.

The study was commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency and researchers hope the results of the two year study will shape global anti-doping programmes . They also aim to educate athletes on the safe use of products that may have an effect on performance.

Lead author Dr Paul Dimeo believes it will offer new insights into a wide range of sports.

He's been speaking to Clyde News:

Targeting a range of sports, athletes across the globe will be interviewed, comparing responses from athletes that have been caught doping alongside those of clean athletes.

Dr Dimeo said: “My aim for this study is to provide practical guidance to WADA and other national governing bodies on how to increase athletes buy-in to anti-doping policy.

“This is the fourth in a series of WADA commissioned projects by Stirling researchers that examine drug use in sport. I hope that athlete input will help shape anti-doping policy, making future programmes more relevant and effective.”

The study will involve 70 athletes from six countries in sports deemed at high risk for doping - cycling, athletics and swimming and those deemed low risk, - badminton, hockey and fencing. All athletes will be asked to share their perceptions regarding the fairness and effectiveness of current anti-doping systems.

Athletes’ responses will then be collated and the results used to help educate current and future athletes regarding safe use of prescription medication, supplements and other treatments that may have an effect on performance.