LISTEN: Dunbeth football club launch defibrillator campaign following death of Coatbridge teen

Hundreds are expected to gather in Airdrie later for the funeral of Kieran McDade.

Published 1st Sep 2016

Hundreds are expected to gather in Airdrie later for the funeral of Kieran McDade.

The 13-year-old died a few days after collapsing from a cardiac arrest during football training with Dunbeth Football Club in Coatbridge.

A service will be held for the teen at St Edwards Chapel.

A crowdfunding appeal, set up by his teammates to help support Kieran’s family has raised more than £17,000 since being launched last week.

And now his club are trying to raise cash to get a defibrillator for their training grounds to ensure no other family suffers the same loss.

Here’s club coach Martin Holmes:

In a statement posted on Facebook, the club said: “It is with a broken heart that I have to inform you all that Kieran McDade of our 2003 squad passed away.”

“Kieran collapsed at training last Thursday and although all efforts by coaching staff, paramedics, doctors and all the prayers that people said it just wasn't enough.

“This is the most heartbreaking situation that any parent could go through and all the people connected to Dunbeth FC send their condolences to Bernie, Gemma, Amy and all extended family and friends.

“Kieran was a big happy go lucky boy and all his team mates and coaches will miss him terribly.

“A popular boy who gave his all for his team and will forever be remembered for the League Championship he proudly won with his team mates and all the good memories that came with that.

“He was a founder member of the 2003 squad and secured his place as our No 8 which we all knew he treasured dearly.

“It doesn't matter what words I use they will never explain the feeling we have for Kieran or the loss that we share with his family.

“He has left us all with cherished memories but ones that will forever be tinged with sadness that he is not here to relive them with us. Rest in peace KM8.”