LISTEN: Ayr woman relives her ordeal as she hosts stalking conference in Glasgow

Ann Moulds founded the charity 'Action Against Stalking' after she was stalked

An Ayr woman is reliving the harrowing details about how she was stalked for two years as she gets set to hold a national conference later.

Ann Moulds received a torrent of terrifying letters, photos and other items through the post to her home between 2007 and 2009.

She told our reporter Natasha Reid more about what happened…

After her experience, Ann began the charity Action Against Stalking with the aim of making it easier for victims to report the crime and offenders to be convicted.

The charity’s first national conference will be held in Glasgow at the Marriott Hotel on Thursday 27th April 2017.

It will be attended by Scottish Justice Secretary Michael Matheson. He said, “Scotland was the first jurisdiction within the UK to legislate for a specific offence of stalking and we have come a long way in recognising just how damaging exploitative behaviour can be.

“We know there is more to do. Action Against Stalking and many of the speakers taking part in this conference have led the way in changing the way that both the justice system and the public understand what stalking is and the harm it causes.

“The reform of the law to make prosecuting stalking easier was the result of partnership working and we continue to work together to support those targeted by stalkers and ensure perpetrators are brought to justice.''