Lightburn campaigners condemn decision to close it

The Save Lightburn Campaigners have been battling since 2010 to stop the closure of the last remaining inpatient facility in Glasgow's East End

Published 15th Jun 2017
Last updated 15th Jun 2017

Campaigners have reacted with anger after NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde confirmed Lightburn Hospital in the city's East End will close.

The Save Light

Gerry McCann from the Save Lightburn Campaign said: “The strength of local opposition to the plans couldn’t be clearer but it is evident that this uncaring Health Board was not remotely interested in the views of local people or of providing services for them.

“Their choice to shut the only local hospital left in the area is a real slap in the face for local people. The Board has been obsessed with closing the hospital to save money for years and after their misleading sham of a consultation exercise no-one will be surprised at today’s news.

“As this is a major service change, the Health Secretary Shona Robison can reverse the Board’s wrong-headed decision. The Save Lightburn Campaign will now take our case directly to her. We want a meeting with Ms Robison as soon as possible so she can hear directly from the people affected by this reprehensible decision.

“It seems like only yesterday that we persuaded Nicola Sturgeon to overturn the Board’s previous attempt to close Lightburn against the wishes of local people. Instead Ms Sturgeon instructed the Board to maintain and invest in the hospital. It’s a directive that they’ve simply ignored – spending only £200,000 in 6 years and allowing the buildings to fall into a sorry state. It’s little wonder that the local community suspects that it has been wilfully run down in preparation for closure from the day the First Minister asked them to invest.

“The battle goes on. The Save Lightburn Campaign will launch a public petition and build on the cross-party support we’ve already enjoyed to make sure that Ms Robison hears our case. We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to save the East End’s last remaining inpatient facility.