LGBT groups call for reform of gender recognition act

They want trans people to be able to change birth certificates

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 26th Jan 2020

Dozens of LGBT organisations from across Scotland have penned an open letter to MSPs to emphasise their support for trans equality.

Sports teams, pride event organisers, national organisations and local support groups are among those to put their name to the paper.

The 72 organisations also declared their support in the letter for the reform of gender recognition law in Scotland.

Stuart Duffy, founder of Pink Saltire, said: This unprecedented demonstration of support and solidarity from LGBT organisations right across Scotland sends a clear message that we will not be divided on this issue.

Trans and non-binary people have been, and continue to be, absolutely critical in the fight for LGBT equality and we will not abandon them or deny their existence as others would - we stand shoulder to shoulder and resolute in our support.''

Dr Rebecca Crowther, policy co-ordinator at the Equality Network, added: We know that an overwhelming majority of the LGBT community support trans equality.

The LGBT groups and organisations that have signed this letter prove just that.

It is vital that the LGBT community and allies continue to stand together to ensure that Scotland continues to be a progressive and inclusive country for all and that this is reflected in policy and legislation.''

The letter aims to reaffirm their support for equality of trans people, claiming the LGBT community is stronger when united.

It highlights recent attempts by some to isolate the trans community from the wider LGBT community, saying this goes against everything we stand for''.

The signatories also support the Scottish Government's current plans for LGBT inclusion in the 2021 national Census.

It states: We are resolute and united in support of trans equality and human rights, as we have always been, and today reaffirm our support for trans people and equality.

We stand for LGBT equality alongside equality for all other groups - there is no real equality unless it is equality for all.''

On reform of gender recognition, the letter states: We stand in support of a reformed Gender Recognition Act that enables trans people to more smoothly change their birth certificates to match their lives and other identity documents.''