Laws could change to tackle sectarian violence after clashes in Govan

The Scottish Government is considering changing the law to tackle the “scourge'' of sectarianism following violent clashes in Govan.

Published 5th Sep 2019

The Scottish Government is considering changing the law to tackle the “scourge'' of sectarianism following violent clashes in Govan.

Nicola Sturgeon revealed the Justice Secretary is in discussions with Glasgow City Council about whether additional laws are required “to eradicate the scourge of sectarianism from our society once and for all''.

Last Friday, violent scenes marred the streets of Govan during confrontations between an Irish republican march and counter-demonstrators.

Two men were arrested, charged and released on bail following the incident and are due to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court on October 1.

At First Minister's Questions, Ms Sturgeon was asked whether SNP council leader Susan Aitkin was right to allow the two marches to go ahead.

Describing the violence as a “disgrace'', Conservative MSP Annie Wells asked: “How on earth did an SNP Glasgow City Council leader think it was a good idea to let a republican march go through Govan on an Old Firm weekend?

“Anyone in Glasgow could have told you that was a bad idea.''

Nicola Sturgeon criticised Ms Wells for “trying to turn an issue as serious as this into a party-political bun fight'' and called for her to reflect on the “content and tone of the question she has just asked''.

“This is not a party-political issue, this is an issue long-standing, an issue that is a challenge but one that we are determined to eradicate,'' she said.

“The people responsible for the outrageous and unacceptable scenes on the streets of Govan last Friday night were the people that behaved in an unacceptable and violent and sectarian way. They are responsible.''

Ms Sturgeon added: “We will also continue to invest heavily in projects and initiatives to tackle sectarianism.

“Above all, we will listen to and talk to anybody to consider how we effectively deal with a societal problem but one that has no place in modern Scotland.

“It is a scourge on our society and actually politicians who are serious about tackling it should come together so that we speak with one voice on it and not engage in the kind of tactics Annie Wells has just disgracefully done.'