Larkhall man kills friend following a row over rap song

A Larkhall man killed his close friend – after he took offence at a rap he was singing.

Published 18th Nov 2016

A Larkhall man killed his close friend – after he took offence at a rap he was singing.

Kirk Nolan pushed Ryan Watson in the face and neck tragically resulting in him suffering fatal injuries.

The attack on August 11 this year happened shortly after Ryan suffered the loss of another friend in a car crash.

A judge heard how the 24 year-old will now not be around to see the birth of his child expected by the end of the year.

Nolan, 28, today sobbed as he pled guilty to a culpable homicide charge at the High Court in Glasgow.

As he was later being lead back to the cells, he turned to Ryan's family and said: “I'm so, so sorry.”

Nolan will learn his fate when he returns to the dock next month.

The court heard how the friends had spent the day of the killing in “good spirits” renovating the garden of Nolan's uncle.

Along with other friends, they later went to the flat of Nolan's lover in Larkhall, South Lanarkshire – the town where both men lived.

It is believed the gathering occurred to remember a friend who had just been killed in a car accident.

Ryan's pregnant girlfriend Devina Beggs was also there.

She left around 11pm and her partner waved her off in a taxi – it was the last time she saw him.

Prosecutor Bruce Erroch said Ryan and Nolan were then in the living room “singing along to music”.

Mr Erroch went on: “Ryan and Nolan got to their feet and started doing what one witness described as 'this rapping kind of thing'.

“Ryan was improvising words to a 'rap' including words about Nolan's girlfriend which he found offensive.”

The court heard the men then “grappled head-to-head” with each other.

The advocate depute said: “In the course of that altercation, Nolan pushed Ryan forcefully once to the left face and neck area.

“This caused him to twist and fall face first onto the sofa.”

Ryan's lips turned blue and his eyes began rolling. One woman shouted Ryan – who had epilepsy - was “fitting” and started giving him first aid.

In a 999 call, she went to state: “I've got an epileptic who's had a wee bit of an argument with his friend. He has passed out and he's turned blue.”

Ryan was rushed to hospital, but did not recover and he was pronounced dead in the early hours.

The court heard he suffered a “massive” brain injury as well as damage to a vital artery “typically associated with a blow to the head or neck”.

Pathologists stated Ryan had been the victim “significant blunt force trauma” consistent with having been pushed “forcefully”.

Tony Graham, defending, said the death happened in “unusual circumstances”.

Describing how close the men were, the lawyer added: “This was a friendship, one of loyalty.

“A relationship that involved spending a lot of time in each other's company...that makes it all the more tragic.”

“He asked me to express his true sorrow to those who have been bereaved.”

Lord Boyd remanded Nolan in custody and deferred sentencing for reports until next month.