Largs man jailed for attempted murder and rape of partner

Ian Lightbody attacked the 31-year-old woman at a Falkirk hotel last year

Published 28th May 2019

An Ayrshire man who raped, and tried to kill his partner after finding out she had gone on holiday with an ex-boyfriend has been jailed for 13 years.

Ian Lightbody and the 31 year-old woman were enjoying a supposedly romantic spa day at a hotel in Falkirk in April last year.

The 39 year-old told jurors how he had “loved” her.

But, Lightbody flew into a rage in their room after learning the woman had been on a holiday to Thailand with a former partner.

He believed she had gone on a family trip to Amsterdam.

Lightbody left his lover blood-soaked after attacking her with a glass bottle before going on to rape her.

One hotel worker who later found the victim described the scene as “horrifying”.

Lightbody was convicted of rape following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

He had earlier pleaded guilty during the hearing to a separate attempted murder charge.

The court heard the woman was left horribly scarred for life – and that the attack has had a “devastating effect” on her.

Lord Armstrong told Lightbody: “Immediately after your murderous attack, you raped her while she lay on the bed badly cut and bleeding heavily.

“But, for the speedy care she received, it is likely she would have died.”

It emerged the thug already had five convictions for domestic crimes.

Lightbody eye-balled two women in court as he was lead to the cells.

The couple had met through a mutual friend in 2016. It soon became a sexual relationship.

They often went to hotels including the Sheraton in Edinburgh and Glasgow's Number 10.

Lightbody went on to book them a stay at the Macdonald Inchrya Hotel and Spa in Falkirk last April.

Lightbody took a bag of sex toys with him which the woman knew about.

He claimed the relationship was “casual” at that time as apparently it was a “secret”.

But, he told his QC John Scullion: “I cared about her...loved her probably. I thought she felt the same.”

Lightbody said they had sex in the hotel room.

But, the atmosphere changed following revelations about the woman and an ex-boyfriend.

Lightbody recalled: “It was that she had been on holiday with him and that she had been seeing him the whole time I had been seeing her.”

He thought she had “gone to Amsterdam with family for 10 days” months earlier.

The court heard the woman had instead gone to Thailand.

Mr Scullion asked Lightbody: “How did you feel?”

He replied: “Angry.”

The thug brutally lashed out leaving her badly injured. He then went to carry out a serious sexual assault on the terrified woman.

Lightbody went on to text a friend stating: “She has admitted all sorts. Lost it.”

Hotel staff were alerted to what happened and soon found the bleeding victim.

One worker who came to her aid recalled: “I got a towel as her face was cut.

“There were open wounds on her face and neck.

“The room was covered in blood. I tried to keep her calm. I kept reassuring her that she would be okay.”

Lightbody, of Largs, Ayrshire, admitted in court he felt “betrayal” that the woman had gone away with an ex.

However, he denied raping her.

Prosecutor Jo McDonald put to him: “She has no reason to lie.”

Lightbody: “Neither do I.”

The court was told he continues to protest his innocence for the sex attack.