Largs Claymore attacker jailed

Published 15th Dec 2015

A thug who attacked a policemen with a Claymore sword amid chaotic scenes in a seaside town has been jailed for more than four years.

Jamie Robertson flew into a rage after officers held his father following a row between the pair at their home in Largs, Ayrshire.

The 22 year-old wildly swung the four foot weapon while screaming: "ll take your f** head off. Get my dad out of the car."

Robertson went on to slash one constable, who remains traumatised from the attack this August.

He was only halted when a team of armed officers swooped on the normally sleepy town.

A judge heard today/yesterday how Robertson was normally an "intelligent and articulate young man" who was badly affected by legal highs that day.

But, Lord Turnbull told Robertson he had been involved in a "serious and prolonged disturbance".

He went on: "Your conduct was extreme and deserving of a severe response by the courts."

Robertson was locked up for four years and four months after he pled guilty to assault and behaving in a threatening manner.

He looked on the verge of tears as he was lead handcuffed to the cells at the High Court in Glasgow.

Robertson had a row with his dad Ian on August 2 this year leading to the 60 year-old being arrested.

As Mr Robertson was put in the back of a police car, his son came storming out clutching a large wooden pole.

He then sprinted towards officers yelling: "Let my dad go or I'll f** kill you."

Police demanded he drop the pole - but Robertson left only to return armed with a spade.

He screamed they would get "done in" unless Mr Robertson was freed.

He then again returned home before racing onto the street clutching a huge sword.

Prosecutor Ross MacFarlane told the court: "He became extremely violent and aggressive...charging and striking out in the direction of police."

Scared officers hid behind a car as they unsuccessfully tried to halt Robertson with CS gas spray.

Robertson then lunged at PC Tristan Hitter badly wounding him on the hand with the sword.

As more police then descended on the mayhem, Robertson raised the sword above his head and threatened: "I'll take you f** head off."

The court heard how one shocked resident recorded some of the drama on her mobile phone camera.

Robertson could be heard shouting as he wields the Claymore in the footage played in court.

He was captured smacking the police car with the sword as he yells on his dad to get out.

A window is smashed in before Robertson cries: "Come on, hurry up. Run,"

Prosecutor Mr MacFarlane said Mr Robertson clambered out the vehicle with father and son then heading towards Largs town centre.

A crowd of around 40 onlookers were forced dodge the duo as Robertson continued his threats to kill police.

It took a large armed response team to finally bring the incident to an end.

Mr MacFarlane went on: "Officers presented their weapons, aimed at Robertson and told him to drop the sword.

"He immediately complied. He was handcuffed, straps applied to his legs incapacitating him."

The court heard PC Hitter - the officer attacked by Robertson - had to have a cut to his hand stitched.

He has been left with nerve damage and loss of movement.

The officer has also required counselling having been affected by nightmares, flashbacks and low moods.

Mr MacFarlane added: "The injury from the sword will leave permanent scarring and impairment.

"It will take up to 18 months to establish if the officers will ever regain full mobility of his thumb."

Derrick Nelson, defending, today/yesterday said the chaos happened in a 'thoroughly respectable area" and that Robertson was "mortified" at what he had done.

Mr Nelson added: "The only explanation he can give for what was bizarre behaviour is that he was heavily under the influence of legal highs and alcohol."

The advocate added Robertson was an "intelligent and articulate young man", who feels he has "messed up".