Lanarkshire gangster handed crime order

A member of Scotland's top gangland mob has been hit with a crime order to keep tabs on him when he is freed from jail.

Published 6th Sep 2019

A member of Scotland's top gangland mob has been hit with a crime order to keep tabs on him when he is freed from jail.

Joseph Lindsay was this week locked up for four and half years for his role in the clan described as the "most sophisticated" encountered by the authorities.

The 34 year-old was back in the dock at the High Court in Glasgow.

This was after prosecutors moved to have a Serious Crime Prevention Order (SCPO) slapped on Lindsay.

This can allow police to monitor a criminal's business dealings, communications and movement once back on the street.

The maximum term for a SCPO is five years.

Lindsay's QC Brian McConnachie told the hearing: "Having regard to the circumstances, the maximum period is not required and that a lesser time would be adequate and proportionate."

But, Lord Beckett turned down Mr McConnachie's plea.

The judge told Lindsay: "There is a risk that is real and significant that you will offend in this way again.

"It is appropriate, necessary and proportionate to make the order for five years."

Lindsay, of Blantyre, Lanarkshire, earlier pled guilty to concealing and disguising criminal property for the gang.

A total of £95,010 was found in a tub in a hidden compartment of a lorry.

Lindsay's DNA was found on elastic bands wrapped around the cash.

He was hauled back from Spain to Scotland to face justice

Other gang members - including Lindsay's uncle - have also been hit with SCPOs.

A total of 13 from the crime crew have been jailed for more than 100 years after being held as part of the huge operation Escalade police probe.