Labour warning on council elections

They say the future of local services is at stake

Published 14th Apr 2017

Labour is warning voters that the future of local services is at stake in May's ‘’vital'' council elections.

With postal ballots already being delivered to Scots, Labour deputy leader Alex Rowley pledged his party would champion more investment in services such as schools and social care.

In contrast, he claimed the SNP would make another divisive referendum'' on independence its priority.

Funding totalling #1.5 billion has been cut from local services since 2011, according to Labour.

Mr Rowley, who is the party's campaign manager, said: As postal votes begin to land on doorsteps, people must start to seriously think about what these elections are about.

This is a vital election and it is crucial that people get out and vote. The future of our local services is at stake.

Voters can send Nicola Sturgeon a message that they want her to focus on the things that really matter - like getting people into work, investing in local schools, and growing the economy.

Instead of trying to impose another divisive referendum that the people of Scotland don't want, the SNP should focus on the job of government.''

He added: Every Labour councillor elected will be a local champion for more investment in local services like schools and care of the elderly. Every SNP councillor will put another divisive independence referendum first.

That's the choice voters face. Only Labour can stop the SNP.

If people want more investment in local services and councillors who will put their community first, then they have to vote Labour.''