Labour MSP calls for crackdown on workplace abuse

Scottish Labour's Daniel Johnson is currently seeking views on a Member's Bill to create new offences around the assault and abuse of workers

Published 9th Apr 2018
Last updated 9th Apr 2018

An MSP has highlighted the extent of workplace abuse in Scotland as a consultation on proposed new laws to protect shop and bar staff continues. Scottish Labour's Daniel Johnson is currently seeking views on a Member's Bill to create new offences around the assault and abuse of workers who sell age-restricted items such as alcohol and cigarettes.

Figures published last month in the Scottish Crime Survey 2016/17 show that, of those adults who dealt with the public at work, 38% had experienced verbal abuse and 8% had experienced physical abuse.

Mr Johnson has written to hundreds of pubs across Scotland urging them to back his Bill.

He said: These figures show too many Scots are experiencing violence and abuse while at work. Bar staff are particularly vulnerable given they often have to ask for identification when selling alcohol. That can trigger violence and abuse, and those staff deserve extra protection.

My Member's Bill aims to give those staff the extra protection they deserve and I am urging as many people as possible to respond to the consultation before April 20.''