Judy Murray calling for parity in women's sport.

Judy Murray, Olympian Katherine Grainger and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon are all pledging to support Scottish Women in Sport equality campaign on International Women’s Day

Published 7th Mar 2016

Judy Murray, Olympian Katherine Grainger and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon are all pledging to support Scottish Women in Sport equality campaign on International Women’s Day

Scottish Women in Sport has launched a Twitter campaign to raise awareness of the lack of equality in sport for women as part of the wider international celebration on Tuesday, March 8.

And current and former Olympic stars as well as political heavyweights and other famous faces will take to the online platform on Tuesday to take the pledge and show support for equality for women in sport.

They will each post a selfie with the hashtag Pledge For Parity on the social networking site to raise awareness of the inequality surrounding women’s sport.

And the campaign is expected to draw even more support from across the sporting and political landscape with pledges from the SNP’s Tasmin Sheik and Glasgow Rocks basketball head coach Sterling Davis.

Currently only 31% of women regularly participate in sport and only 1% of sports sponsorship investment is delivered to women’s sport while just 5% of media coverage focuses on women’s sport.

Britain’s most successful rower, Olympic gold medalist Katherine Grainger said: “I am supporting this campaign as there continues to be many areas in sport where females do not have the same opportunities as males.

“Opening up this conversation via social media may help to break down some of this disparity and change the landscape of sport for the better.”

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon added: “More and more women and girls are taking part in sport and that is encouraging but, like anything else, there’s always more we can do.

“Since becoming First Minister I have looked to use my position to send out positive and strong message to girls and women that there should be no limit to your ambition, and I hope the sporting world realises the potential there is in woman’s sport and makes moves to give it the coverage it not only deserves, but merits.”