Johnstone stalker jailed for following woman late at night

A sex offender banned from approaching or talking to lone women was jailed for 37 months for stalking a 22-year-old late at night.

Published 26th Oct 2016

A sex offender banned from approaching or talking to lone women was jailed for 37 months for stalking a 22-year-old late at night.

At the High Court in Glasgow Allan Galloway, 50, Johnstone, admitted breaching a sexual offences prohibition order in Johnstone on November 22, 2015.

Judge Lady Rae told Galloway: “I don't think you appreciate the harm you cause to females you follow late at night.

“This is a blatant, blatant breach of the sexual offences prevention order.”

The court heard that Galloway followed the woman in Johnstone as she made her way alone from a pub, then stopped at a cash machine and went into a chip shop for food.

While she waited for her food Galloway sat in a bus stop nearby and constantly looked back at the woman.

He then followed her as she walked towards her home, again constantly looking at her.

The woman's partner happened to be looking out of a window and saw she was being pursued by Galloway who was wearing dark clothing. He phoned to warn her and then rushed out to confront Galloway who said: “I'm sorry.” before running off.

The police were contacted and given the nature, of the offence police viewed the CCTV and identified Galloway as the stalker.

In November 2011 at Paisley Sheriff Court the Chief Constable was granted a ban prohibiting labourer Galloway, who has a number of previous convictions, from approaching or communicating with any lone female he does not know. The ban is in force for 10 years.

Galloway admitted breaching the order when he appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court in February and the case was remitted to the High Court for sentence by a sheriff who thought that a lifelong restriction should be placed on him.

This was rejected by Lady Rae who said: “I am not convinced there is a case for a lifelong restriction.”

Galloway's defence counsel Tony Lenehan said: “His problems are not helped by use of cannabis resin combined with drink.”