Jim Torbett jailed for 3 more years for abusing young boy

The Celtic boys club founder has found guilty of four charges of sexually abusing a young player more than 50 years ago.

Celtic boys club founder Jim Torbett
Author: Lesley DiMascioPublished 25th Apr 2023

Celtic boys club founder Jim Torbett has been jailed for a further three years after being found guilty of four charges of sexually abusing a young player more than 50 years ago.

The abuse of the 13 year old took place over a year between 1967 and 1968.

The 75 year old who is currently in jail, was on trial at the High Court in Inverness.

Detective Inspector Jim McLauchlan, of the National Child Abuse Investigation Unit, said: “We hope this conviction brings some measure of closure to his victim.

"We are very aware of how difficult it can be to report being a victim of child abuse. It can take many years before people feel able to report. Our assurance to anyone who may have been a victim of child abuse is that when they are ready to report we will listen, we will investigate and we will take prompt action to ensure that no-one else is at risk of harm.‎

"We are all responsible for protecting Scotland's children. It is up to all of us to recognise when a child may be at risk and to take steps to protect them and to prevent harm. It is also up to us to create an environment where people feel able to report being a victim of sexual crime without feeling shame.

"We would ask anyone who has concerns or information about any person who may pose a risk to children, or who may have abused a child, to contact Police Scotland on 101.”

Torbett had denied the charges but was found guilty following a trial..

He'll serve the sentence after his current six-year jail term for a previous historical sex abuse conviction has ended.

He was jailed in 2018 for abusing three boys over an eight-year period - his second conviction for sex offences against boys.