Family of Port Glasgow figure skater campaign for defibrillator register

10-year-old Jayden Orr died at an Ayrshire ice rink in August 2017

10-year-old Jayden Orr
Author: Colin StonePublished 24th Apr 2018

The family of a talented figure skater from Port Glasgow who died on the rink are going to Holyrood to press for changes in schools and sports centres which could stop it happening again.

When 10-year-old Jayden Orr collapsed at Auchenharvie near Saltcoats last August there wasn't a defibrillator in the first-aid room.

His family – along with Inverclyde businesses and local MSP Stuart MacMillan – are calling for a register of all the kits and their locations so emergency crews can locate the nearest one more quickly.

They also want the life-saving equipment put in as many sports centres and schools across Scotland as possible.

Jayden’s mum Kathleen told Clyde News: “Jayden was a wee bubbly boy. He was full of carry-on, and he was really into his figure skating. It was a massive passion for him, he loved doing it. He won a whole load of competitions, medals and trophies.

“He was planning on going to the British Championships but obviously he didn’t make it. He skated every minute he could, it was something he truly loved.

Politicians at Holyrood will discuss the ongoing campaign this afternoon.

Kathleen explained: “Jayden was at training one night and he collapsed on the ice. They did have a defibrillator there – for some reason they didn’t use it, it wasn’t in the first-aid room.

“I just want people to know that defibrillators are an absolutely necessary piece of equipment and they can save a life.”

His family have set up a charity in Jayden’s name to raise funds for more life-saving equipment.