UK Government accused of failing Dumbarton man tortured in India

Jagtar Singh Johal has now spent 100 days in a Punjab prison without charge

Author: Colin StonePublished 12th Feb 2018

The UK Government has been accused of failing a British citizen from Dumbarton who has spent 100 days in an Indian prison without charge.

Jagtar Singh Johal was arrested in the Punjab region in November after travelling there for his wedding.

The 31-year-old has told lawyers he’s been physically tortured and mistreated by authorities.

West Dunbartonshire MP Martin Docherty-Hughes joined Jagtar’s family at a press conference in Glasgow on Monday to mark 100 days since his arrest.

Gurpreet Singh Johal, Jagtar’s older brother, said: “The past few months have been incredibly difficult.

“The longer Jagtar spends in custody without charge, the more concerned we are about its impact on his physical and mental wellbeing.

“It was Jagtar’s birthday on Friday and we are heartbroken that he was forced to spend it imprisoned and away from his loved ones.

“We are determined to bring Jaggi home so his next birthday is enjoyed here alongside his friends and family.”

Jagtar, a Scottish Sikh from Dumbarton, has been held since 4 November 2017. Martin Docherty-Hughes MP said: “It’s now 100 days that my constituent has been held by the Indian authorities and he has yet to be charged with any crime.

“Jagtar’s family in Dumbarton are deeply concerned for his welfare. He is their son, their brother and their friend – and they remain determined to secure justice for Jagtar and bring him home to Scotland.

“It’s critical that the family receives the full backing of the UK government. I will continue doing all I can to support the family and ensure Jagtar is treated fairly and afforded an open and transparent judicial process.”

International human rights organisation REDRESS has cited Jagtar’s case as evidence that the UK government must do more to protect British nationals detained abroad.

REDRESS brought Jagtar’s case to the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture in December 2017.

The UK Government says it's doing all it can to help Jagtar.