Inayah murder accused tells court family are lying in “cold blood”

A mother accused of murdering her 14-month-old daughter is being conspired against by her family who have lied in “cold blood”, a court heard.

Published 2nd Nov 2017

A mother accused of murdering her 14-month-old daughter is being conspired against by her family who have lied in “cold blood”, a court heard.

Sadia Ahmed said lies have been told in court about her bringing Inayah downstairs lifeless.

And, that she allegedly said she had “put Inayah to sleep forever”.

Ahmed claimed she was feeding her daughter in a room downstairs, with the last piece of white bread in the house, when Inayah choked and that she was “frantic”.

Advocate depute Paul Kearney, prosecuting, put to her: “People have got together and decided to make false allegations against you.”

She replied: “That's correct.”

He continued: “It's your position that they are all cold bloodiedly (correct) lying about you coming downstairs with Inayah lifeless?”

Ahmed replied: “That's correct.”

She also agreed that it “would be about the most wicked allegation to make falsely”.

Mr Kearney asked about a 999 call made by her brother-in-law Wacus that was played to the court.

During the call he said to the operator “the mother was abusing the child and the whole house is a witness”.

He asked Ahmed: “where does he get that from?” and she replied “It's a lie.”

She said she had never harmed her child before or on that day.

She said a “possibility” for him saying that was because of ill-feeling towards her previously.

The prosecutor asked: “Did you hear anyone tell him 'Sadia has killed Inayah?” and she said she didn't.

Jurors heard the police were called as well as an ambulance.

Ahmed said: “I am assuming the reason he asked for the police was to get the process faster.”

Mr Kearney said: “Im suggesting the evidence we heard from Wacus about what he was told would explain perfectly why he would ask for the police and why he told the operator 'the mother was abusing the child'.

“Don't you agree it would explain it perfectly?

She replied: “No, I disagree. All of it doesn't make sense to me.”

Ahmed denies the charge and the trial continues.