Inaya accused acquitted of force feeding tot and attempting to pervert justice

A woman accused of murdering her baby daughter's been cleared of attempting to pervert the course of justice by threatening her niece with a knife.

Published 1st Nov 2017
Last updated 1st Nov 2017

A woman accused of murdering her baby daughter's been cleared of attempting to pervert the course of justice by threatening her niece with a knife unless the 18 year-old said the baby had choked.

Sadia Ahmed was also acquitted of force feeding 14 month-old Inaya bottles and syringes of milk.

The 28 year-old's still accused of murdering the tot by smothering her with a pillow, which she denies.

Judge Lord Matthews told Ahmed: “I formally acquit you of these charges.”

Ahmed is still accused of murdering Inaya by smothering her with a pillow, which she denies.

Earlier, the court heard in a joint minute that neuropathologist Dr Colin Smith who examined Inaya’s brain concluded that she had suffered from irreversible hypoxic aschemia.

This was caused by Inaya's brain being deprived of both blood and oxygen as a result of her not breathing for around 40 minutes until doctors at the Royal Hospital for Children managed to revive her and put her on a life support machine.

The trial continues.