Illegal download sites targeted in police operation

A new crackdown has been launched against hosts of illegal ``torrent'' sites which allow users to download movies, music and games without permission.

Published 25th May 2016

A new crackdown has been launched against hosts of illegal torrent'' sites which allow users to download movies, music and games without permission.

A team led by Police Scotland alongside the Federation against Copyright Theft (Fact) has taken down three websites hosted in Edinburgh, Kilmarnock and Falkirk since the turn of the year.

These are the first sites to be apprehended in Scotland and the campaign is at the centre of attempts by officials to change public behaviour and awareness towards the growing issue of torrent sites.

Pc Andy Law, who headed up Police Scotland's operation, said: We've been successful in removing these sites and work is ongoing to remove several more that we have identified, in what is undoubtedly a growing problem.

Hosts often believe they leave no footprint, but in reality we can trace sites back to an address and from there it leaves little scope for the culprit to hide their actions.''

Kieron Sharp, director-general of Fact, said: People may think that online piracy is a victimless crime but in fact this could not be any further from the truth.

Websites offering illegal access to films, music, games and books are threatening our creative industries and the 1.8 million people in the UK working in them.

From animation artists, costume designers, set carpenters and sound engineers, hundreds of thousands of people's jobs are directly affected each time a film or TV show is pirated.

Fact is committed to tackling online piracy and together with our partners at the police and within industry, we will continue the fight to clamp down on anyone operating these sites within our own territories.''

The seizures come before the Real McCoy event in Glasgow on Friday, which is aimed at drawing attention to the problems of illicit trade. It will include a street market packed with fake produce to highlight the hidden dangers of counterfeit goods to the wider public.