"I wish you were dead"- daughter accused of mum's murder in Troon told her, according to carer

Shayla and Lynette Greenop deny murdering Sharon, 46, in 2016

Published 17th Apr 2018

A daughter charged with killing her mother in Troon once allegedly said she wished she was dead, a court has heard.

Shayla Greenop was said to have made the remark overheard by a carer who looked after disabled Sharon Greenop.

A jury was also told there was writing on the wall of their home which stated: “I hate my mum”.

The evidence was heard at the High Court in Glasgow.

Shayla, 20, and Sharon's sister Lynnette Greenop, 40, are accused of murdering the 46 year-old at their house in Troon, Ayrshire.

It is claimed Sharon was assaulted on various occasions between September 8 and November 10 2016.

Carer Phyllis Morgan told how she helped look after the mum in 2013.

Sharon was disabled following an accident four years earlier.

Miss Morgan was asked how Shayla was at that time.

She described her as “objectionable” and claimed she said “nasty things” around her mum.

It was alleged Shayla once stated about Sharon: “I wish you were dead then we would not have to suffer all that comes with you”.

Prosecutor Ashley Edwards QC asked: “Any reaction from Sharon?”

Miss Morgan: “She put her head down.”

Miss Edwards: “Describe how it was said by Shayla?”

The witness: “Vindictively.”

Elizabeth Morrison - another carer who looked after Sharon – also gave evidence.

She recalled the house being “untidy”, carpets having been pulled up as well as writing appearing.

Miss Edwards asked: “What was being written on the walls?”

Miss Morrison: “It was 'I hate my mum' and “she is a fat w***e'. There were others, but I do not remember them.”

The murder charge alleges Sharon was repeatedly struck with “object or objects” and had her neck compressed.

It is said injuries were also inflicted “by means unknown” and that there was a failure to obtain medical help.

Sharon is stated to have been so severely hurt that she died.

The two accused – who both live in Ayr, South Ayrshire – deny all charges.

The trial, before Lady Carmichael, continues.