Hundreds of jobs at risk at Cambuslang factory

Doubt has been cast over the future of around 450 jobs at a Cambuslang factory after the owners announced it faces closure by the summer.

Published 8th Feb 2018

Doubt has been cast over the future of around 450

The Two Sisters chicken production plant has been in the area for the last 35 years but it's losing money and has serious structural issues.

Workers at the companies other two sites in Birmingham and Wolverhampton have also received redundancy notices

Scot Walker is the trade union convenor at the Cambuslang plant. He has worked there for almost 30 years.

He said: “Obviously we are dismayed at the news of the possible closure. But it is far too early to accept that this is the final word. Unite will do everything in negotiation with the company to find a way to safeguard the future of the site and protect the jobs. What’s at stake are more than 450 jobs and the future of the local community.”

“The company are saying that staff can be redeployed to other sites run by the company – like Coupar Angus. That is not a viable alternative which dictates the necessity of fighting to save the plant in Cambuslang.”

“The company say there are problems with the ageing plant. That’s hardly a surprise. I’ve worked there for 30 years and there hasn’t been a brass farthing spent on the place in any real sense for decades. You might say it looks like those particular chickens are coming home to roost."