Humza Yousaf Calls For More Collaboration On Refugee Crisis During Glasgow Aid Mission Visit

Published 28th Sep 2015

MSP Humza Yousaf has called on the UK Government to work closely with the Scottish Government to tackle the growing refugee crisis.

The minister for Europe and international development reiterated his belief the UK Government could and should be doing more to help the displaced peoples fleeing war-torn Syria and that Holyrood is willing to work with Westminster to create the most humanitarian solution possible.

Mr Yousaf called on the UK Government to take our fare share'' of refugees, comparing the current stance to that of Ireland and other nations.

He also warned there is a danger that those refugees who have made the journey to Europe could be ignored in their own difficult situation.

Speaking at a warehouse belonging to the charity Glasgow The Caring City, where thousands of tons of donations, including winter clothing, are being stored before being shipped to the Balkans to be given to refugees, he praised the reaction of the Scottish public who have helped those in need.

Mr Yousaf said: It's been an overwhelming response from the people of Scotland who have seen the pictures on their TVs and newspapers of the refugee and humanitarian crisis, and not hesitated to get involved and help however they can.

We have here literally mountains of clothes and aid that have been donated by the Scottish public, which has been a really moving response.

In terms of the UK Government, there is no surprise that there are some differences between the Scottish Government and the UK Government on how best to deal with this crisis.

We think that more refugees should be taken and they should be taken from Europe, and they should be taken immediately as opposed to spread over five years.

Those differences exist and the UK Government is aware of them, what we have to do is try to work cohesively together as much we can, and also with our local authorities so that when the refugees come to Scotland they have the best experience possible.''

He said there was a real danger'' those who have made the journey to get to Europe and are in the frontline states in Italy and Greece will be ignored.

He also expanded on plans the UK Government has to help welcome and integrate the refugees who will soon be arriving in Scotland and to combat any misgivings or issues local communities they are joining may have.

He said: It is an important point to make that although we see these wonderful demonstrations of generosity, there is no doubt in my mind that there are still a thankfully small minority that have a very negative attitude towards refugees.

What we do as the government is speak very positively about refugees, that refugees have and will continue to make a huge contribution to Scotland.

There is perhaps work to be done on that and, from our position, we will ensure that those messages are being heard by people.''