Hit And Run Linked To Scottish Soldier's Florida Death

Published 2nd Apr 2015

A soldier who died on holiday in the US is suspected to have been the victim of a hit-and-run incident.

Private Shaun Cole, from Edinburgh, was found with a head injury in Miami, Florida, at the weekend.

The 22-year-old was reportedly in the city to attend the Ultra Music Festival with friends.

A statement from the Army on behalf of Pte Cole's family said: We would like to inform everyone that Miami police are now following a line of inquiry that would suggest that Shaun was involved in a hit-and-run incident.

We would like to thank Miami police and consular staff and everyone who has offered support to our family over the last few days.''

Pte Cole, who served in the 1st Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland (1Scots), has been described by loved ones as an incredible young man''.

He had recently returned from Sierra Leone where soldiers have been involved in the Ebola aid effort and had also served in Afghanistan.

A family statement released following his death said: He had a flair for life and was always the life and soul of everyone he was around.

He was an incredible young man who had his life taken from him too soon.''

Tribute was also paid by Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Matt Munro, who said the soldier will be ''missed terribly''.

He said: Shaun achieved an extraordinary amount in a military career that was full of promise but was tragically cut short.''