Castlemilk man was hit on the head with a hammer more than 100 times, court hears

Dr Marjorie Turner was giving evidence at the trial of Haider's wife 33 year-old Saima Hayat, her best friend 33 year-old Shahida Abid and her husband 42 year-old Muhammed Rauf

Published 17th Jan 2019
Last updated 17th Jan 2019

A pathologist has told a jury that alleged murder victim Haider Hayat was struck at least 100 times on the head with a hammer and then had his throat cut.

Dr Marjorie Turner was giving evidence at the trial of Haider's wife 33 year-old Saima Hayat, her best friend 33 year-old Shahida Abid and her husband 42 year-old Muhammed Rauf.

They deny murdering 49-year-old Haider by striking him on the head and body with a hammer and a knife, on April 3, last year, at a flat in Raithburn Road, Glasgow.

They also deny attempting to defeat the ends of justice by washing bloodstained clothing and concocting a false story.

Dr Turner told prosecutor Richard Goddard that she carried out a post mortem examination on the body of Haider, who was found dead in a bedroom of his wife's Castlemilk home, with a hammer and a knife lying beside him.

She said that the cause of death was blunt force injury.

Dr Turner was asked how many injuries Haider had to his head and neck and replied: “There was in the region of at least 100 blows delivered to his head and neck as best I can estimate.”

The pathologist revealed that Haider suffered multiple fractures to his skull, as well as a broken jaw and cheekbone.

She was shown a claw hammer found at the scene and asked if it could have caused the blunt force injuries and replied: “They are consistent with that hammer.”

The pathologist was also shown two knives and said they could have caused the injuries to Haider's throat and added “There were multiple cuts into his neck.”

The jury heard that there were injuries to Haider's arms which Dr Turner said could be defensive injuries.

Mr Goddard asked Dr Turner: “What degree of force would be needed to inflict these injuries,” and she replied: “The total force is certainly considerable. There has been considerable force.”

Dr Turner is still giving evidence.

The trial before Lady Rae continues.