Gunman pleads guilty to double murder bid in Hamilton

A gunman is behind bars after carrying out a double murder bid in broad daylight.

Published 28th Dec 2016

A gunman is behind bars after carrying out a double murder bid in broad daylight.

James Allan blasted Craig Burns and James McSorley as the pair walked in a lane in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire in June this year.

Mr Burns, 26, lost an eye as a result while his 27 year-old friend ended up with gun pellets in his brain.

The attack was said to have been sparked by a feud between Allan's friends and Mr McSorley.

But, a judge also heard claims Allan shot the duo after jibes were made about someone close to him being sexually assaulted.

The 31 year-old – who has a history of violence – pled guilty to two attempted murder charges at the High Court in Glasgow.

Allan will learn his fate when he is sentenced in February.

Prosecutor Iain McSporran QC said Allan had accomplices, but that “evidence points strongly” to him firing the sawn-off shotgun on June 27.

Mr McSorley was said to be the “intended target” with Mr Burns “simply in the wrong place” beside him that day.

The advocate depute added: “The background appears to be a feud between those with whom Allan was associated and another group including James McSorley.”

The shooting occurred around 2.30pm when Mr Burns heard a voice before collapsing to the ground after being struck in the face.

His friend – after hearing “a loud bang” - meantime felt a pain in the back of his head.

It was then they spotted Allan lurking nearby with his face covered.

The injured duo initially fled to a friend's home before Mr Burns was driven to hospital.

Mr Burns was found to have serious facial injuries. He initially told medics that he had been hit with a bottle.

Mr McSporran: “The extent of injury to his right eye was of particular due course it was agreed that it could not be saved.”

Police found Mr McSorley still at the house he had gone to after the shooting.

He was also taken to hospital having suffered wounds to his face, head and shoulder.

It was discovered he had gunshot pellets in his brain “very close” to major blood vessels.

However, doctors decided no surgery was required and he left hospital on July 5.

A sawn off shot and a balaclava were later found ditched in a bin as police probed the incident.

DNA linked Allan, also of Hamilton, to both items.

His lawyer told the court Allan got involved as “others knew how to inspire him to take part in the enterprise”.

Tony Graham, defending, added “someone close” to the gunman had suffered a serious sex attack.

Allan was told one of the victims had then been discussing that in “unsavoury terms”.

Mr Graham said: “That was the proposition put to him.”

Michael Harvey, 25, had also faced the same charges, but his not guilty pleas were accepted.

Allan is due to be sentenced on February 1 in Edinburgh.