Gun Ceremony Marks First For Women

Captain Lori Sharp was selected by the Army in Scotland to fire the gun ahead of events being held around the world tomorrow.

Published 7th Mar 2015

The famous One o'clock Gun ceremony at Edinburgh Castle has been used to highlight the celebration of International Women's Day.

Captain Lori Sharp was selected by the Army in Scotland to fire the gun ahead of events being held around the world tomorrow.

The 30-year-old from Cairneyhill in Fife said it was a great honour'' to be the first female officer in history to carry out the task.

She said: International Women's Day is a global celebration of women's achievements. The day also focuses on the continued plight of women and girls in parts of the world where there are abuses of human rights, violence and human trafficking.

Whilst serving on operations and on deployments I have witnessed first hand the inequality women face in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and many other parts of the world.

If this day can make people stop and think about women all over the world and their plight then International Women's Day will be a wonderful success.''

Capt Sharp joined the Army Reserve in 2001 before commissioning into the Regular Army in 2006 and is currently posted as Adjutant of 105th Regiment Royal Artillery, living in Edinburgh Castle.

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Ward, Commanding Officer of 105th Regiment Royal Artillery, said: I think she is the perfect woman to start International Women's Day as she exemplifies so many of the key qualities of an officer and member of the British Armed Forces. She is a high achiever and her success sets a great example to young women.''

The gun is fired every day at precisely one o'clock, except on Sundays, Good Friday, and Christmas Day. It has been fired in the past by female non-commissioned officers but Capt Sharp is the first commissioned officer to do so.