Greigsy abseils for Cash for Kids

Clyde 1 presenter Greigsy makes the 80ft leap at Atlantic Quay!

Published 10th Jun 2016

Our amazing supporters at Atlantic Quay have been on the fundraising trail again, holding their first charity abseil from the 80ft tall Atlantic Quay building on Friday 1th June!

The challenge involves 100 Atlantic Quay workers taking the plunge to raise vital funds for two charities, Finding Your Feet and Radio Clyde Cash for Kids. Clyde 1 presenter Greigsy will make the leap in support of their amazing fundraising efforts to help raise money for our holiday hunger campaign, supporting local children living in poverty. He'll be taking on the challenge alongside a team of six amputees who are abseiling for Finding Your Feet - a charity set up to support amputees. Commenting on the challenge, Angela Higgins of Resonance Capital and joint venture partner with Moorfield Group in buildings 1, 2 and 3 Atlantic Quay, said: “The abseil marks our first charity event at Atlantic Quay. Our teams are taking the plunge for two brilliant charities; Cash for Kids who do so much for vulnerable children, and Finding Your Feet who help people that have experienced life-changing trauma. Every penny raised will be split between the two charities.” To show your support you can text CLYDE to 70808 to donate £5*.

Texts are charged at your standard network rate and 100% of your £5 donation will come to Radio Clyde Cash for Kids. For full text donate terms & conditions visit