Greenock Teenager Dies In Ibiza

Danielle McCallum died in hospital after reports she had taken tablets

Published 23rd Sep 2015

A teenager from Greenock has died while on holiday in Ibiza. Danielle McCallum posted on Facebook last week that she in was in Ibiza, telling stories about her night out. The 18-year-old died in the island's Can Misses Hospital yesterday morning. It's understood she died in intensive care at a hospital early yesterday morning after being rushed there from a health clinic near the hotel she was staying at in San Antonio. It's reported a friend told doctors she had taken tablets over the weekend. A post-mortem examination will be carried out by Spanish authorities. A spokeswoman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said: "We are in contact with local authorities in Ibiza following the death of a British national on September 22. "We have met with the family and will continue to provide support at this difficult time.''