Greenock to benefit from multi-million pound City Deal funding

Published 23rd Nov 2015

The first £30 million of investment taking place as part of a £1 billion-plus city deal has been confirmed by the First Minister.

Nicola Sturgeon said that more than £14 million would be spent expanding the quayside at Greenock's ocean terminal and building a state-of-the-art visitor centre.

The area will also benefit from some £9.4 million being invested in a renewables hub at the Inchgreen dry dock, with £4 million to be spent on improvements to the A78 roadway at Inverkip.

The projects are all part of the £1.13 billion Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal - which is backed with £500 million of cash from both the Scottish and UK governments, along with £130 million from the eight local councils.

Ms Sturgeon said: The port at Greenock provides the gateway to Glasgow and the west coast of Scotland, and I am delighted that it may be one of the first beneficiaries of the city deal being supported by the Scottish Government.

This proposed investment in the ocean terminal would significantly expand cargo and cruise berthing facilities, creating and supporting local jobs.

With passenger numbers at the terminal reaching more than 100,000 this year, this planned expansion will help cement Greenock's position as one of Europe's leading cruise liner terminals, which plays an important role in developing a thriving local economy.''

Ms Sturgeon, who spoke as her cabinet visited the Inverclyde town, continued: The Scottish Government recognises that cities and their regions are the engines of our economy, and we are working strategically with local authorities, such as Inverclyde, to unlock investment and stimulate growth.

This proposed development at Greenock is just part of an infrastructure investment programme that can unlock benefits from more than £1.13 billion in support being provided through what is the biggest city deal of its kind anywhere in the UK.''

Inverclyde Council leader councillor Stephen McCabe said: Greenock Ocean Terminal is one of the three projects in Inverclyde to benefit from the Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal funding.

The cruise market through Greenock has grown substantially in recent years and sustaining that expansion is a crucial outcome of the project.

With the expansion of the quayside and development of a new visitor facility, Greenock Ocean Terminal can continue to be a major economic and tourist boost locally in Inverclyde and in Scotland.

The Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal project shows the key role local authorities play in working jointly with each other and both national governments to deliver the key infrastructure to further develop our areas.''