Gorbals man killed lodger after argument over broken TV

Gordon Morning stabbed Ricky Lee with a knife in his flat in the Gorbals area of Glasgow in July 2017

Published 28th Mar 2018
Last updated 28th Mar 2018

A Glasgow man was provoked into killing his lodger after they argued over a broken television has been jailed for 10 years.

Gordon Morning, 56, stabbed Ricky Lee, 31, with a knife in his flat in the Gorbals area of Glasgow in July 2017.

Morning was arrested after he told police in a phone call after the attack: "I have murdered someone."

He claimed he only struck Mr Lee with the weapon because the victim had been swinging a hammer at him in the moments leading up to the stabbing.

A jury convicted Morning of culpable homicide under provocation following proceedings at the High Court in Glasgow last month. Sentence had been deferred for the court to obtain reports about Morning's character.

On Wednesday, at the High Court in Edinburgh, judge Lord Kinclaven heard defence advocate Donald Findlay QC say that Morning had lived a "very sad and tragic life."

Ordering Morning to be supervised by the authorities for four years following his release from prison, Lord Kinclaven told Morning that he had been convicted of a "very serious offence."

He added: "I have taken everything which has been said on your behalf into account. You have expressed remorse for this offence.

"He was your friend and you offered him accommodation. However, you armed yourself with a knife and attacked Mr Lee."

During proceedings at the High Court in Glasgow, Mr Lee's partner Chloe Wilson told the court how the two men's friendship deteriorated after she told her lover that Morning had made advances to her.

The court heard how the couple had spent the summer staying at Morning's flat in Waddell Court.

Miss Wilson told the court of how the attack took place when the two men returned from being out on July 3.

She said: "I remember there was a conversation about a TV. They were shouting at each other, raised voices."

The court heard that a television had earlier been broken and Mr Lee said: "I have gone out and helped you get a TV today."

The witness said the two men ended up "brawling" and "wrestling" with each other on the floor.

The row then broke up and Mr Lee sat beside Miss Wilson on the couch.

Jurors heard Morning came from his bedroom and knifed Mr Lee in the back.

Miss Wilson added: "He stabbed Ricky on the left side. He knew what he was doing - 100 per cent. I believe someone who can walk up to someone and stab him knew what he was doing."

Following conviction, the jury heard how Morning has convictions for rape, assault and robbery.

On Wednesday, Donald Findlay QC said a report detailing his client's life made "depressing reading".

Talking about Morning, who has spent much of his adult life in prison, Mr Findlay added: "Mr Morning has had a very sad and tragic life - some of it has been of his own creation of course.

"He is to a large extent institutionalised.

"He made a very poor choice on that day. They were using him for their own temporary purposes.

"He inflicted a single stab wound and I would ask your lordship to proceed on the basis of provocation."

Lord Kinclaven also said an extended sentence was the most appropriate disposal in this case.