Glasgow to mark Clean Air Day in June

George Square
Published 31st May 2018

A free event is to be held in the centre of Glasgow to help people do their bit to improve Scotland's air quality. The event will be staged in George Square on Thursday June 21, which has been designated Clean Air Day.

Part of the road outside the City Chambers will be closed to cars to allow people to try out bicycles and electric bikes on a specially-designed course.

There will also be cycle training sessions, while mechanics will be on hand to carry out free on-the-spot repairs and offer maintenance tips, organisers said.

Councillor Anna Richardson, who launched the event on Thursday, said: Reducing emissions is a top priority for the city. Events like Clean Air Day can increase awareness of what is being done to improve the quality of the air we all breathe.

Clean Air Day will showcase a huge range of exhibits and activities such as active travel, renewable energy, car clubs and electric vehicles that can all help to improve air quality.''

Glasgow plans to plans to have Scotland's first low emission zone to cut down on air pollution, with the plan due to come into effect at the start of 2019.

Ms Richardson added: We have made big improvements in air quality in Glasgow but poor air remains a public health concern and a major social justice issue for the city.

The forthcoming low emission zone will make significant reductions to air pollution in the city centre.''

Clean Air Day, a UK-wide event, aims to encourage people to pledge at least one action to improve air quality by considering ditching their car on June 21 and waking, cycling or using public transport.

Environmental Protection Scotland (EPS), which is co-ordinating the event, also wants motorists to consider electric or low emission vehicles as an alternative to diesel and petrol models.